Level 4

The Level 4 books can be used for reading to/with/by students who are at Secondary (Years 9 to 11 or Level 9 to 11).

8 results — showing page 1 of 1
  • E Books

    Lighting the Way with Solar Energy

    17746 Tokelau Ko te Fakamainaga o te Auala

    When Tokelau decided to switch to renewable energy, people thought critically about the options. They decided that solar energy could be a cost-effective option well-suited to Tokelau’s climate. Over four thousand solar panels were installed, making Tokelau the first nation in the world to convert to 100 percent renewable energy. Technology

  • E Books

    Fagatua Tokelau

    TOK Fagatua Tokelau

    In this non-fiction book, the Tokelau wrestler Ilai Isopo Elekana Manū introduces students to the traditional Tokelau sport of fagatua.

  • E Books

    Coral Bleaching and Ocean Acidification

    TOK Akau Matafi

    This article explores the concepts of coral bleaching and ocean acidification. It reports on an underwater invesitgation in Nukunonu that looked into coral resilience in the lagoon and on the ocean side. The data the research team gathered established a baseline for ongoing monitoring. Science and technology

  • E Books

    Rainwater Harvesting

    TOK Fakataliga

    Our survival here on our atolls depends on rainwater harvesting. This article explores some of the technology that is involved. Technology

  • E Books

    Accidental Plastics

    TOK Volu

    From your toothbrush to a plastic bowl, plastic products are absolutely everywhere. It’s difficult to imagine life without these synthetic compounds. Science and technology

  • E Books

    Blessings from the Sea

    TOK Manuia

    Nukunonu’s marine environment contains numerous species that we depend on for food. They are a blessing that supports us on our atoll, so we need to be cautious when it comes to the commercialisation of our exclusive economic zone. Science

  • E Books

    An Invasion of Yellow Crazies

    TOK Ohofakiga

    Tokelau has been invaded by yellow crazies – an ant species. Scientists are investigating what can be done about them. By collecting and recording data, they are identifying the extent of the problem and figuring out the best course of action. Science

  • E Books

    Blood Sugar

    TOK Huka

    Sarah Cook is a busy Year 10 student living with Type 1 diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that can affect your day-to-day life. Find out what Sarah does to manage her diabetes and make sure it doesn’t prevent her full and active lifestyle. Science

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